Here are a few of the common resources and forms required during the credentialing process.
You can open and download each file to use as needed.
Confession of Faith
Canadian Mennonite Brethren believe that the Bible, from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22, is telling the Triune God’s grand and beautiful story of redemption, healing, and renewal for all creation. Canadian Mennonite Brethren are part of an international Mennonite Brethren family who together share the following biblical-theological vision for what the Triune God has done, is doing, and will do in our world. The CCMBC Confession of Faith is our articulation of that vision.
Pastor Credentialing
The credentialing process is a key element in the formation of what we often describe as a “covenant relationship” with the provincial and national MB family. Credentialing establishes the foundation for mutual care and mutual obligations between the local leader and the provincial and national MB family. In credentialing, the leader commits to shared theological and ethical convictions as articulated in the MB Confession of Faith (1999; 2021), to shared mission, and to shared relationships of accountability and support.
Spiritual Health and Theology
MBCM has resources and opportunities available for continued spiritual care and theological discernment through our office and through the Provincial Faith and Life Team (PFLT).