News “Unexpected” Denver Wilson: Simonhouse Bible Camp

This summer, my family and I had the opportunity to go to Simonhouse Bible Camp, to serve as the speaker for Teen Camp. The theme this year was ‘Unexpected’, which actually worked really well to frame our own experiences.

After many years of living in Winnipeg, it was shocking to realize I had never been to Simonhouse. I had heard so many powerful stories coming out of our Mennonite Brethren camp over the years, but had never been there myself. In my mind, northern Manitoba may as well have been the ends of the earth, so I just never ended up making the trip. But this summer, we were ready for the adventure. The drive passed much easier than anticipated, aided by the striking beauty of dense forests and craggy rock faces, ending with the winding dirt road to camp.

Having heard about a remote camp run on a generator, I was expecting very little, but I was pleasantly surprised to find really nice facilities! The dining hall, chapel, and cabins were inviting, and worked well to host different moments of camp life. Each day was full of many activity options - like the climbing wall, craft shack, archery, kayaking, paddle boarding, or getting flipped on the banana boat.

All of these aspects of the camp exceeded my expectations, but one of the most unexpected things out there is people. We were amazed by the people at this camp. We met a passionate staff team that shone the light of Jesus through vibrant worship, engaging Bible studies, selfless service, and loving unity between them. Oh! And hilarious skits!

We interacted with dozens of campers (most of them from northern Manitoba). Many of these campers were completely new to the gospel, so it was an honour to be able to introduce them to basic themes of Christ’s love, and encourage them that, God “is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” (Ephesians 3:20). Many made responses to this message, praying to receive salvation, and committing to changes in their lives.

My hope is that more MB churches will build strong camp connections. And after my experience, I believe Simonhouse is a great option for this. If you haven’t been there yet, I’m encouraging you to make the trip. It will likely challenge your expectations. But if you do engage with this camp, I expect that God will show you his Spirit’s presence in northern Manitoba, his committed love for the many youth and kids of that region, and a beautiful camp that he is empowering for this purpose.

We are grateful for the faithful ministry of Simonhouse, and the time our family had there this summer.